AUC Archives Walk-through University History Exhibition

Apr 17
Apr 22
9:00 am
9:00 pm
Garden and Marriott Room

The AUC Archives Walkthrough Exhibition is an immersive exploration of the University’s rich history. Through a curated selection of archival images, videos, documents and audio recordings, the exhibition highlights key aspects of AUC's past, capturing the essence of student life, the architectural beauty and the significant events that have shaped the University. By delving into these archival treasures, the exhibition invites visitors to uncover the threads of AUC's narrative and to appreciate its enduring influence. It is an invitation to connect with the past, honor the contributions of those who came before and inspire future generations to continue the pursuit of knowledge, innovation and excellence. This exhibition celebrates heritage, ignites curiosity and fosters a sense of pride in being part of the AUC community.

Hana El Beblawy ’18, Curator and Founder, ARD Art Institution
